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Some of the men look a little unrealistic, but the novella is very good.
There is erotic content, there is a game over too, there is a plot and everything is great!
The ending is generally beyond praise.


thank you kind sir!

Is this complete coz I'm planning to buy.

It is complete. It’s a short and pretty easy game, about 30-60 min at most? And it’s on sale right now :)

thank you

when will be the next version coming


I’m considering Tim’s Terrible Tuesday complete. Were there any issues/bugs that you’ve noticed?

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I've bought this game 3 times now. Would love it if you went back to incubus academy!!


hi Paddypatpatpat! I would like to go back to incubus academy some day but to be honest I found it too difficult to continue :( I still hope to someday but I just don’t know when. 

I’m surprised itch would let you purchase a game more than once. Would you like me to try to refund today’s purchase? (I think it’s too late to reverse your second one...)

Oh no refund needed. 

I thought that was weird too, because I clicked a post on TTT from you that said there was a new game, but it was the same one. 

Just noticed you're also the one doing orc running club! Keep making stuff, I'll keep buying it. Xoxo

Awww thanks! I've got a new one coming up with Bob C Games (it's a clicker game) that we hope to have out in a few days. Still working on Orc Running Club too :) (day 3 is nearly complete, then onto day 4 and 5). [I'll get you a code for one of those games, hit me up on twitter if you have it and remind me :D --- i'm old and the brain doesn't work as well as it used to LOL]

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Hey, congratulations! I loved the game! I love the kind of characters you create. This was too good to be so short lol. anxiously waiting for an update maybe... waiting for an Incubus Academy update too, your work is amazing!

thank you so much! I’m moving at the end of august so I’m going to be a bit slow (like I’m not slow already) I’m hoping once I’m settled and stress is down a bit I can work on another game :) 


omg the boss and the security guard are so hot,  the hairy body wow.pls make more game with beefy handsome man like them :) and the last bit of animations are golden.

wish there were more angles to see a little bit more, and the choice to be on top.


Maybe he'll have a wonderful Wednesday sometime and that'll be an option lol


Okay... This was definetly something. :0 

A little short-story (100% believable ^^) to satisfy ones desire and needs. Well, I think it's fun, but wish there were characters with more unique personalities. This 3D artstyle is impressive and I'm sure drawing it took a good amount of your sweet time. The backgrounds look very good asswell.  

Is all of this your doing or did someone help you...?

Is it your final project or do you maybe plan on creating another similar, but bigger story?


Thanks for the feedback! You're right the characters could be expanded a bit. I did this project solo (same with A Day in the Park, which might have a bit more on the personality side of things? that one has 4 routes but they're fairly short also).  I did all the 3d stuff in Daz Studio, so I didn't hand carve the characters, but it still takes a lot to position them, fit them with clothes (and um, other things), and everything ^_^ I'll be making more games (and trying to work on Incubus Academy still too. *sigh* it's my albatross...)


Np, I'm trying to give somewhat helpful comments, but I'm not sure if I'm successful much... Especially because of my different mother tounge, yeah. 

Okay, in that case you can be very proud of yourself. Managing such a heavy project must have been stressful, I can imagine.

Don't worry, I played both games. ;) A day in the park is more realistic and less polyamorous, what I like more personally.

Hmm... There must be many people eagerly awaiting, downright crave for a next update. All I can do, on my end, is to hope and pray you can bring your biggest project back to life once again, so to say. Don't give up just yet! Incubus Academy is looking promising, don't deny it! 

If everything is getting too much for you to handle, try getting more helpers on board.

Well, I wish you good luck and success~ 


thank you so much! *hugs*


*big hug* stay safe and healthy!


Game is too short, But great artwork!

Thanks! I guess I kinda thought about it like comic book in length. I should add a couple more bad ends :P


Really liked the game a lot.  The ending is just so great.

Thank you so much! :) *hugs*


Reeeeeeeally wish I had the ending happen to me so jelly

same lol


I'm not too crazy abut the cumshots (makes me sick) or kinks if there are any, but I don't see myself buying this, but it's only the first half so there is gonna be furries included down the road.

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Thanks for the feedback! It might not be the right game for you in this case. There are no furry characters and there are a lot of cumshots. (btw, the demo is the first 25-30%, not half)


Please no furries, there are way too much of them everywhere.


lol you’re safe. No furries in this one.